Thursday, 6 July 2023

The One

The single reality is neither homogeneous nor static but internally differentiated and dynamic.
Energised complex molecules changed randomly until one became self-replicating.
Self-replication and natural selection generated multi-cellular organisms.
Naturally selected organismic sensitivity to environmental alterations quantitatively increased until it was qualitatively transformed into conscious sensation.

Increased brain complexity somehow transformed bodily sensations into perceptions of discrete objects.
The One becomes conscious of Itself by appearing to Itself as other and many, then realises its oneness.
The One is present in every particle but conscious only in organisms with central nervous systems.
It knows itself as animals and human beings but not in any pre- or trans-cosmic state.

Its internal relationships are spatiotemporal and physical or psychophysical.
Gods are personified natural and social forces.
"God" is unified personified external forces.
Science depersonifies reality.

Science explains objective events as instances of laws.
It explains less general laws as instances of more general laws.
It cannot explain subjective phenomena or the most general laws.
Objectivity is an inter-subjective consensus.

Subjectivity is the unique experience of each individual conscious organism.
A sensory input causes a neural interaction which causes a sensation.
Scientists observe and describe objective inputs and interactions but not subjective sensations.
We experience consciousness and observe conscious, including linguistic, behaviour but do not observe consciousness.

Numinous experience is of an awesome presence.
Mystical experience is of inner oneness.
Visionary experience is of projected visions.
Experiences can be interpreted theistically or non-theistically.

Theists personify ultimate reality.
Persons are self-conscious individuals.
Self is recognized as such only by contrast with other.
Therefore, the One incorporates all persons but is not Itself a person.

It is "God" as the object of numinous and mystical experience but not as a transcendent person.
The One imagines that it is us and we imagine the gods.
They are in us and we are in It.
All is one.