Thursday, 14 September 2023

Concrete Reality

We know other people by seeing and hearing them.
We know ourselves by being ourselves.
I am not another person.
My objective knowledge of him is not his subjective knowledge of himself.

Concrete reality is every aspect of existence.
An abstraction is one or more aspects considered separately.
Empirically observable objective reality abstracts from the totality.
The totality also includes subjectivity.

Objectivity is ontologically primary.
Subjectivity is epistemologically primary.
Objectivity is an inter-subjective consensus.
Its primacy is deduced.

We know someone else as he appears to us, never as he is to himself.
This is a permanent "mind-body problem."
We see both the cause and the effect in a father-son relationship but not in a brain-mind relationship.
Neuronic interactions and consciousness are causally related properties of a single organism.